Top Ways to Grow Your Accounting Practice


One of the hardest things to do as an accountant is to grow your practice and acquire new customers. It’s so important that you approach your firm and its growth with strategy in mind, and it’s vital that you concentrate on your internal and external company prospects.


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Taking your accounting practice to the next level is going to take some work, so follow these essential steps and you’ll be able to see that growth you planned for.


  1. Identify your customer. Before you do anything else, you need to understand who your customer is so that you know how to aim your work towards them. For example, having a website is one thing, but if you don’t have the right website design for accountants you’re not going to go very far. You’re going to spend a lot of time supporting your customers, and there are a lot of hours put here that could be put to better use. Conduct an investigation of your current clientele and create a profile of what your ideal client persona will look like. Once you understand this persona, you can determine which of your current customers do not fall into this category and spend less time with them. You can then create a company plan with a long term focus that targets customers who are like your existing ones.
  2. Expand your existing connections. Calling the customers that you do want to embody your customer persona on a frequent basis to check in with them will help you to strengthen those connections. You can also create a communication strategy that allows you to have regular touchpoints with your customers, such as monthly newsletters and of your announcements and acknowledge any milestones. If you can provide new customers with discounts on their services, that would help to bring in a new range of clientele.
  3. Be responsible with your marketing. There are many different approaches to marketing your clinic, but it’s important that you determine what your primary goals are before you get started. You can employ a consulting firm to investigate the demographics of your clients and identify the media outlets that have the greatest impact on them, but you should also consider your SEO strategy and marketing. Trustees to increase your website rankings.
  4. Make friends and influence people. It’s not just a book, but the power of technology lies in its network. If you want to make friends and influence others, then you need to start networking and getting your foot in the door at those local Chamber of Commerce events that you’ve been ignoring. You’ll find so many people who share your interests, and you can learn about new opportunities for your business that way.
  5. Make sure that your business is a well-functioning machine. You shouldn’t allow your employees time to be wasted on pointless admin if you can keep everything organised. Identify the problems that exist throughout your workplace and knock them down 1 by 1 so that your accounting practice is the one to watch.


Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

(amazon author page)

(personal finance book/ self-published) 34 Stories That Explain Personal Finance