The Value of Video Marketing to Hospitals


The statistics are startling. In 2020, over 95 percent of online users watched more videos than in the previous years. In 2021, an average person will have watched about 100 minutes’ worth of videos a day. In addition, The Affordable Care Act has brought more people into the healthcare system than ever before. The number of patients rises every day, along with their expectations for a better customer experience during hospital visits.


These data then provide an idea for healthcare facilities: using videos for marketing. After all, studies showed that 90 percent of those who watch videos like to see more of this content from businesses. Granted, healthcare requires technical skills, but video production isn’t one of them. However, many companies can now offer services like outsource video editing solutions to help them tell engaging stories.

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Video marketing also offers the following benefits to hospitals:


1. Videos Can Educate Patients About What Hospitals Can Do for Them

Videos of medical procedures and patient testimonials can help patients better understand their conditions, learn what to expect during a hospital stay, and gain greater satisfaction with their care.


Hospitals have an opportunity to share inside information about their capabilities and improve patients’ satisfaction and understanding at the same time. By educating patients, hospitals can enhance patient safety and improve the patient experience while raising awareness of their organization.


2. Video Marketing Can Help Patients Understand and Manage Their Health

Patients often struggle to understand the nuances of their health. Many patients are also unable to find time in their busy schedules to visit physicians. They find the use of videos helpful in gaining more knowledge on various health conditions. Videos can be used to effectively educate patients about common diseases, chronic conditions, and treatments.


Patients can access medical education content more readily through Internet-based multimedia sources like YouTube than they would be able to by visiting an actual doctor’s office or campus library. Videos help increase patient knowledge about various health conditions.


Moreover, encouraging patients to review videos and other online materials can help them assume more responsibility for their own health and reduce the number of visits made to healthcare professionals.


3. Videos Can Create a Personal Connection

Video is one of the most effective ways to build relationships with patients. As a powerful form of communication, it can help create a personal connection between a patient and a provider. Videos allow a practitioner to share more about themselves and their life outside of the office. Sharing a personal moment can make a doctor seem more approachable and provide insight into their daily lives.


4. Videos Can Build a Connection on Social Media

Many patients today are turning to social media to learn more about medical conditions and other health-related causes. Patients are looking for inspiration and motivation to help them take control of their health. Healthcare organizations can use social media to build relationships with patients by creating videos that relate to patients’ lives.


A video that is both entertaining and relatable can inspire patients to take control of their health.


Video Marketing Pointers for Hospitals

Any compelling video begins with one thing: story. Patient engagement is about telling your story effectively to the right people at the right time using the platform that works best for them. It’s about building a strong relationship with patients rather than focusing on transactions.


If a story is engaging, it has the potential of going viral, and that’s what hospitals need to boost their brand value on social media platforms. Once the story is there, they can explore the following strategies and trends.


1. Make Sure the Videos Are High Quality

Don’t think of YouTube as another threat to your hospital’s reputation. Even if a video becomes popular, it won’t do any good if no one trusts you enough to recommend your organization. Always make sure your videos look professional. Hire an experienced video producer and editor for help and get their honest opinion about how well the product turned out before you upload it.


2. Don’t Forget Mobile

People are using their mobile devices to access the web more than ever. Videos have a high engagement rate of over 50 percent. However, length can impact this number. Take advantage of this fact by creating short videos that focus on your services without bells and whistles. It will be easier for people to watch them when they’re out and about, getting them interested in contacting your hospital company.


3. Keep an Eye on Trends Through Social Media

Today’s most popular videos feature celebrities, animals, or other high-interest topics that viewers want to learn more about. If you make sure your video is relevant to what people are already talking about online, there’s a much greater chance that viewers will share your video with their friends. You can also try targeting trending hashtags to make sure the right people see your content.


Investing time into video marketing can mean significant benefits for your hospital. It can make the healthcare facility accessible, relatable, and trustworthy.


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