Where Do You Want To Be In Five Years?

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”


This quote, by author, Louis Carroll, points out that everyone needs a plan to reach certain goals. Setting a goal requires you to think through life’s issues. If circumstances force you to change your plan, no problem- just make changes and keep moving forward.


Not everyone is comfortable with future plans, however.


No matter where you are in life, thinking about where you’ll be in five years seems crazy.


But it’s important.


Creating a plan will increase your chances of reaching a long-term goal, and you’re more likely to make smart changes to your plan, if you think about it carefully.


Take that goal and then work backward to decide what to do. From changing careers to getting the home like that you want, it can work across many areas.




Career is often the first place that people focus on when it comes to their goals. So, ask yourself, where do you want to be in five years? Do you want to get a promotion? Do you want to have your own company? Do you want to earn more? Unless you start thinking about it today and working on getting there, you’ll still be where you are now in five year’s time.




Where do you see your relationship going? Do you need to improve it as Psychology Today says, or do you want to be married or have kids? And if you’re single now and you want both, you’ll want to assess who you are, and what sort of person may be a relationship fit for you.




When it comes to your home, you need to have a vision. Do you want to buy a new house or your first? Do you want to build? Do you want to renovate? If you see yourself in a dream house in five years time, you need to be working for it today.



What about your money situation? Are you doing well with your funds or do you need to improve them? Should you look to something like Blue Trust Loans or do you want to get out of debt? Maybe you want to start retirement planning? Either way, today is the day to start.



And then, there’s the idea of where you want to be in yourself.

Much of the time, we all start to think about where we see ourselves, but we don’t always picture things like career, relationships, or money. We do tend to picture home, but we picture ourselves more than anything. So ask yourself, how do you want to feel? What is it that will make you happy? If you know where you want to be in five years, start taking the steps to feel that way from today onwards.


Small Steps


Thinking about all of these issues at once may seem overwhelming, so take one topic at a time. Ask friends and family for help, because these people know you best. Give it a try!


Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

Co-Founder: accountinged.com

(email) ken@stltest.net

(website and blog) https://www.accountingaccidentally.com/

(you tube channel) kenboydstl


Image: Bullseye, Jeff Turner CC by 2.0