How Your Cleaning Business Can Keep Clients Happy

Client satisfaction scores are a key metric for all service-based businesses. So, if you run a cleaning company, knowing how to keep customers happy should be an ongoing priority.


This is especially true when working in the B2B sector as business owners will end their agreement if you fall short of their expectations. After successfully winning the contract, here are five top tips that will give clients every reason to remain loyal for years to come.


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#1. Hire The Right Workers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Only a small percentage (if any) of cleaning duties will be handled by you. Therefore, deploying trustworthy and reliable employees to each location or project is essential. Assembling your team with this site is one of the greatest responsibilities you’ll face. Ideally, you will want to maintain a low staff turnover rate too. Aside from saving time and energy, it’ll provide clients with an added layer of consistency, which can make them far happier.


When you are confident in the team, keeping on top of your tasks is also a lot easier.


#2. Monitor Performances


A variety of secondary aspects influence the overall client satisfaction levels. However, none of the others matter if the desired levels of cleanliness are not maintained. Your company can try this inspection App to schedule routine checks. This will ensure that each client and location is cleaned to the expected levels. It keeps employees on their toes to ensure that standards won’t drop. Crucially, it gives clients an added level of confidence.


Reports can also be used as evidence to show clients that they are receiving value.


#3. Tailor Services


Staying with the concept of providing value to the client, tailoring the services is another key feature. Using the right software allows clients to manage their accounts, adapting their services as per their evolving needs. However, it also requires a winning mindset from your company. Given that you will track various data metrics, this info can be presented to help users make informed decisions. Their budgets will work harder as a result.


By going beyond expectations and providing value, you should see increased loyalty.


#4. Provide Convenience


To keep clients happy, you need to understand what they want from a cleaning company. They have outsourced these duties for the sake of convenience. So, once the service is in place, they will ideally want it to run smoothly without any additional steps. A punctual service supported by a good payment processor and auto billing allows them to enjoy the benefits of clean properties. Without involvement. Still, you should make it easy for them to contact you if issues surface.


They won’t need to do it often, but it will give them added confidence in your company.


#5. Prevent Disasters


By now, it should be clear that keeping clients happy relies on many factors, even when things are running smoothly. Sadly, all of this work could be undone in an instant if you fall victim to a breach or other disaster. Prioritizing business security, not least in relation to sensitive client information is key. Otherwise, your reputation will take an even bigger hit than your finances. Frankly, dealing with the fallout is the last thing either party needs.


When used to support the steps above, client satisfaction scores should remain high.


Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

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(personal finance book/ self-published) 34 Stories That Explain Personal Finance