Setting An Example By Improving Your Business’ Accessibility

Accessibility is critically important for a business. If you want to make the right impression on customers and clients, then you need to make sure that everyone who wants to engage with your business can do so- in a way that is simple. Accessibility should be a priority for both customers and employees, and isn’t […]

You’re Doubling Your Car Ownership Costs- And You Don’t Even Know It

So, how much does car ownership cost? From the very start, we have to consider everything, from the cost of insurance to the price of the car itself. Before we even have a license, most of us feel the sting. As if that weren’t enough, car ownership also raises our monthly living costs. When you […]

4 Scary Things That Can Happen When You Don’t Budget (4 Video Links)

Nothing wrong with having fun… Although we owe it to ourselves to enjoy our lives wherever we can, we must also acknowledge our responsibilities. Whether we work full time or part time, run our own businesses, or make a living as a freelancer, when we’re riding high financially, it can seem as though we’ll be […]

Can Getting Rid of Your Car Help You Financially?

The decision to buy or lease a car is a big decision, and a choice that has a huge impact on your personal finances. A car gives you the freedom to travel and provides a lot of convenience. However, is owning a car really the best financial decision, or are there alternatives that we can […]

Surviving Tough Times: Why It Pays To Set Up An Emergency Fund

We all know that life has its ups and downs. One day, everything is going great. The next, the future may not look quite so bright. If times are tough, the last thing you want to worry about is being able to make ends meet. Studies show that money is one of the most common […]

Financial Recovery After A Missed Loan Payment

A personal finance setback can be frustrating- but you can recover. Some financial problems are minor. For example, you add more to your credit card balance than you planned, or you don’t save as much as you’ve budgeted for the month. In both cases, no harm done- you can always change your behavior and improve […]

3 Tips To Help You Avoid Financial Peril After A Car Accident

Experiencing a car accident can be physically and emotionally draining. Your response after an accident can have a big impact on your personal finances. Unfortunately, most people end up in at least one car accident during their lifetime, hopefully a minor one. Car crashes can be very costly, but there are a few things you […]

Is A Motorbike Financially Worth It?

A motorcycle: pretty cool, huh? For most people, the whole point of buying a motorcycle is to look as cool as possible. They think that the bike can help them increase their street cred and add some swagger to their life in the process. Sure, you may look really cool, but is it worth it?

The Common Tax Mistakes You Should Never Make

  It’s easy to make mistakes on your tax return, and they can cost you dearly. The tax code becomes more complicated every year in most countries, and the US tax code now extends past 72,000 pages. Given all of that complexity, mistakes can happen.

How to Save Money Every Single Day

Saving money takes consistent focus- it’s something that you need to think about every week. So, how do you save money on a regular basis? If you want to save money because you don’t feel as though you can afford the bills- or if you know that you are not happy with the lifestyle that […]