Tips For Safeguarding Your Finances In Your Later Years

Finding ways to safeguard your finances needs to be your priority, whatever your age. As you get older, extra care needs to be taken.   We have all heard the nightmare stories about elderly people being scammed online and off. In some cases, they have lost their life savings because of the malicious scams of […]

Surviving After An Accident: What’s The Cost?

No one in a car wants to be in an accident. No one wants to be either on the receiving end of the accident or the cause behind it, either. The thing is, we can’t always control what goes on the roads, and the main concern is your survival after an accident. However, we’re not […]

Plan For Your Future With These Helpful Tips

When you are planning your next Friday night with your friends, you are planning for Friday night and nothing more. When you plan for your next business meeting, you prepare for the meeting with your colleagues, and nothing more. When do you take the time to plan for the future?   When you’re young, the […]

Buying New Versus Resale Property

Real estate agents offer advice and guidance for people buying a new home. One question you might be asking is whether you should buy a new build home or resale property. There are advantages and disadvantages to both new homes and resale property. Here we explore both.   Choosing between a new or resale property […]

How To Manage Your Finances Efficiently As A Business

Managing your finances efficiently as a business is something that takes practice but also adapting as you grow and become more successful as a company. It’s important not to let go of the important things when it comes to a business, the main one being your financial health. Here are some tips to help manage […]

What’s the Best Way for You to Invest?

There’s no right or wrong way for you to invest your money.   If you’re going to see the returns you want to see in the long-term, your focus should be on making sure that you take the approach that’s right for you. Everyone is different in pretty much every way and that applies to […]

What to Know Before You Buy a Pre-Selling House and Lot

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial milestones in every Filipino’s life. A house is a costly yet worthwhile investment, but it doesn’t need to be so expensive. There are tons of options that will save you money, while still allowing you to get the house of your dreams. One option is a […]

How to Avoid the Financial Impact of an Accident

Staying healthy isn’t easy–nor is it cheap.   The average costs of healthcare in the country are almost double what it was 40 years ago. As such, there’s a huge financial impact with every accident that you might end up in. Whether it’s a car collision, a work-related injury, or even something that happened while […]

Protect Your Financial Bubble

There are few places better in the world than home. It’s the place where you and your family can feel completely safe from the outside world. The place where you make memories and grow closer together through the time that you spend with each other. It can often feel as though you’re living in your […]

Save Money, Save Planet

  If you have ever been in the financial hole, you know how hard it is to make ends meet.   It requires some creative juggling and being extremely tight on where you spend and how much. Every expense is weighed, every option is reviewed, and creativity is flowing to stitch everything together.   At […]