Financial, management, and business advice for entrepreneurs.

Boosting Office Productivity

Business productivity can be the difference between success and failure.   Owners in any business must focus on productivity, and to constantly find ways to work smarter.   So what’s the payoff?   You produce more sales and profit with a smaller investment in assets (technology, fixed assets, staff members). In addition, productive companies are […]

Little-Known Ways to Make Money Online

There are many products and service that you can sell through an online business.   A growing percentage of customer purchases are completed online, and the public has become comfortable with the process. Here are several unusual ways to make money online:     Panning for Gold Online   We’ve all seen the image of […]

Successful Companies That Most People Haven’t Heard Of

Some people operate very successfully- under the radar.   In this hyper-exposed media culture, you’d think that every successful company’s name would be splashed all over the Internet. The fact is, there are hundreds of highly profitable businesses that you’ve never heard of.   And that’s a good thing, for two reasons:   #1- There […]

The Hidden Costs of a New Hire

Managing your business requires you to make dozens of decisions every week, and growing your firm can be overwhelming. There are many aspects of managing a business, including the need to manage client relationships, keep your employees happy, and deliver a quality product or service. Finance may be the most challenging area of business management, […]

Will Freelancing Work For You?

Many people are working as a freelancer these days, and a number of these professionals will stick with freelancing for the rest of their careers. Freelancers enjoy the flexibility that allows them to work where they want, when they want- and to choose work that is interesting. But there’s a big challenge: you have to […]

Shocking Product Development Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

Imagine you spend months, maybe even years, developing a new product. It’s something you’ve poured your heart and soul into – not to mention a fair amount of cash. You’re excited to release it, hoping that the sales will fly so high that dollar signs appear in your eyes. But, when the product gets released, […]

Financial Mistakes Your Business Needs To Put Right In 2019

Business owners need to get their budgets right to succeed.   Nevertheless, this is something that most leaders tend to get wrong. The vast majority of projects tend to go over budget, and this can really hurt a company’s profitability. It is, therefore, of little surprise that this is often an area of focus for […]

Minimizing Business Risk

A legal issue can happen to any business owner.   Your business may never be accused of negligence, malpractice, or wrongful employee termination. However, it’s important that you protect your company from these risks, because the financial impact can be huge.

David Letterman Skits and Validating Your Business Idea (4 Video Links)

You may be old enough to remember David Letterman’s Will It Float? skits. Letterman would toss an object into a huge tank of water to see if it would float. There was music, dancers, and other fanfare to make it seem like a big deal- the skit was performed for years. This brings up another […]

Cash Management For Startup Businesses (5 Video Links)

A majority of new businesses fail.   Why?   Lots of reasons. Maybe the product or service isn’t attractive enough to motivate people to buy. Businesses also fail because owners don’t manage growth well. However, the biggest reason for a business failure may be financial- and you can take steps to avoid the problem. Here […]