Financial, management, and business advice for entrepreneurs.

The Smart Way To Deal With Fraud in Your Business

Every employer faces risks in their organization. Fraud is one of the most serious of all. When fraud occurs in small companies, it can be a massive dent in your pride, as well as your ability to do business.   In addition, it could do your reputation a disservice. So, when it comes to dealing […]

Start Your Own Insurance Company In 4 Steps

If you are looking to start a new business in insurance, you are going to have to find a focus first of all. As long as you have some kind of focus, knowing what you are actually going to do and what kind of service you will provide, you can be sure that you are […]

Why Your Recruitment Firm Should Outsource Financial Tasks

There are many advantages that a recruitment agency can reap via outsourcing their back-office work. But let’s begin this article by defining the two key components – ‘back office’ and ‘outsourcing’ – in order to give further clarity. Back office relates to all the tasks that need to be carried out so that a business […]

Smart Tactics in Protecting Your Business from Financial Risks

Business owners benefit from having the right knowledge and experience, especially when it comes to improving their company’s financial health. Having the ability to manage their profit help them continue with their business operations. This is essential, especially if your company is aiming for growth and expansion. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to manage their business […]

Making Money in Music: How Does It Work?

Making money in the music business isn’t as easy as negotiating on your salary and waiting for your next paycheck. The industry’s pay structure is based on percentages for freelance-style work and one-off deals. Still, a majority of the careers in the business are paid in different ways.   For this reason, the career you […]

Tips To Protect Your Employees In Your Business

Keeping your employees safe in your business is likely to be up there with your top priorities for the company. The reason for this is that your employees are the cogs that keep your business turning, and without them, you probably wouldn’t have a business at all. With that being said, here are some helpful […]

Five Simple Ways To Keep Your Company Data Secure

Keeping your company data secure is an essential part of protecting your company, employees, clients, and yourself. Data breaches leave businesses exposed to legal threats and fees, and can cause irreparable damage to a company’s reputation. Check out these five simple ways to keep your company data secure, so you can sleep soundly knowing your […]

Signs Your Bookkeeper Is Stealing From You

As a business owner, there are plenty of responsibilities that you delegate. Things like hiring, firing and bookkeeping. Your bookkeeping is an important part of your business. That job duty is responsible for tracking your business’s bottom-line. Without that, it can be difficult to know how your company is holding up. Having a bookkeeper that […]

5 Common Problems In Business (And How To Overcome Them)

No business gets by without any problems. Continuously solving problems forms the basis of successful companies. And so, rather than seeing them as a hindrance, see them as an opportunity for your business to improve and become more resilient.   For five common problems many businesses experience, see below, along with advice on how to […]

Keeping Track of Your Finances During Difficult Times

One of the important things I learned from my mother who owns a fruit store is you list down everything that goes in and out of the store. That means you need to record things such as:   How much merchandise you have already sold, How much money you have earned from those products Your […]