When looking to start a business, some of your costs will be obvious to you. Every company should put together a business plan, and the expenses in the plan will likely include business income taxes, payroll taxes, overhead costs, and business licenses and permits. As an owner, you can expect these costs and include them […]
Rich People Didn’t Get Rich By Accident
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. Boyd“What do you do and how do you do it?” It’s only natural to be curious and slightly envious of those who have accumulated a lot of wealth, but it’s not just because their big bank accounts. Many people become wealthy through their own efforts, and the process they used to achieve success has tremendous […]
The Daily Money Pits You Need To Know About
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydThe problem isn’t that we don’t earn enough money. It’s that we spend too much of it. If you’re lucky enough to have, say, a $30,000 a year job, then you’re far and away one of the richest people on the planet. Alas, it’s difficult to save as much money as you’d like because you […]
Business Costs You Didn’t Realize Are Actually Common!
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydWhen looking to start a business, some of your costs will be obvious to you. Every company should put together a business plan, and the expenses in the plan will likely include business income taxes, payroll taxes, overhead costs, and business licenses and permits. As an owner, you can expect these costs and include them […]
How Closely Are Your Finances And Vehicle Intertwined?
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydReliable transportation is critically important. There are some expenses that are essential in today’s world. Internet access and a mobile phone are two good examples. For most people, a reliable car or truck is a real necessity. We need it to get to work, to social events, to the shops, and so on. While the […]
Just Hit 30? Here’s How to Plan Your Financial Future
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydEveryone has milestones in life. For many people, reaching 30 is a milestone when they start thinking about their long-term goals and settling down. If you have been reckless with money in your 20s, it might be time to grow up and focus on your long-term goals in your 30s. Whether you are thinking about […]
Ensuring That Your Employees are Content in the Workplace
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydHiring employees may be the biggest challenge for a business owner. As your business expands, you’re likely to start taking on employees who will be able to help lift a whole lot of hard work and responsibility from your shoulders. However, when you do take on staff, you gain a whole lot of responsibility. Subscribe […]
The Mindset Of Being Debt Laden
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydDebt can be a heavy burden. No one enjoys being debt-laden because carrying a debt leads to feelings of stress anxiety. Sometimes, however, taking on debt is a reasonable decision to make, if the debt can be managed over time. For example, taking out a loan for college and paying off the debt for years […]
Drawing The Positives From A Trauma
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydHaving a traumatic experience in your life can have a detrimental effect on your daily living. People who have been through trauma must find tools so that they can keep working, and retain relationships. It’s not an easy thing to do, given the mental scars caused by a trauma. We all have events in life, […]
Buckle Up Because It Could Be A Bumpy Investment Ride
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydMaking the right decisions about investments can be life changing. But investing requires a great deal of thought and planning. The biggest issue you’ll face as an investor is the amount of investing risk you’re willing to take. Why Risk Assessment Is So Important Every investment- from owning stock in a startup tech company to […]
The Facts And Fiction Of Your Credit Score
in Personal Finance/by Kenneth W. BoydYour credit score has a huge impact on your personal and professional life. This rating of our financial trustworthiness is used to determine the interest rate you pay on debt, the dollar amount you can borrow- and, in some cases, whether or not you’re able to get a specific type of job. There are a […]