How Can You Help Your Business Improve Your Finances?

One of the areas of your business that you need to be looking at regularly is your money. Finance is discussed a lot when it comes to business, but there are still so many of them out there who struggle with this. There are a range of reasons a business may struggle with the finance […]

How To Make Transactions Effortless In Your Business

When it comes to running a business, you’ll want (and need) to make everything as smooth as possible, especially when it comes to transactions – customers will forgive a lot of things, but if you make a mistake with their money, they probably won’t give you another chance. So the last thing you’re going to […]

When Is It Time To Offer Your Services As A Consultant?

You may be quite skilled within your profession, perhaps even experienced in a range of different environments. But there’s a big step between working for someone and the infrastructure that provides you, and then working for yourself. It takes time to develop that sense of confidence and self-regard and to feel as though you deserve […]

The Importance of Document Organization Even in Today’s Digital World

Despite how dominant smartphones and cloud storage are in today’s business workflows, organizing and using physical documents is still extremely important.   The value of well-organized paper documents and files is far from being obsolete even with all of the digital tools that we have available to us. So here’s why keeping your documents in […]

Really Cheap Ways to Generate Repeat Business

Did you know that it’s generally much easier, not to mention much cheaper, to generate repeat business than it is to go after new customers (although, ideally you should be doing both, of course)? Well it is, and here are some really cheap ways you can accomplish that.   Subscribe to Accounting Accidentally on Substack. […]

Building a Sustainable Coffee Business: A Blueprint for Success

In the modern business landscape, sustainability is no longer a mere trend but a necessity. Companies across various sectors are integrating sustainable practices into their operations to reduce their environmental footprint and meet the growing demand from conscious consumers. For coffee businesses, incorporating sustainability is crucial not only for the environment but also for long-term […]

How Your Small Business Can Unlock Additional Income

Running a business is no small feat. So, just think about it for just a moment: with the ever-changing market dynamics and increasing operational costs (and this inflation is never going back down), finding ways to boost revenue without disrupting daily operations can be a game-changer- plus, it’s just one of those essential ingredients too. […]

How To Ensure You’re On The Right Track As A Business Owner

Entrepreneurs are often known for their high levels of self-confidence. After all, you have to believe in both yourself and your business model in order to take the plunge and become a small business owner. However, this does not mean that they are immune to doubt or anxieties!   According to a recent study:   […]

How To Run A Successful Coffee Company

Although nothing is guaranteed in business and things can literally change overnight, there is one thing you can almost certainly count on – people will pay good money for good coffee. Not only will they pay, but if you plan things properly and do plenty of research, you’ll find there’s a decent profit margin in […]

Essentials That Will Help You Launch and Run A Successful Business

When you are trying to improve your chances of successfully launching a business, you need to keep in mind what is involved in this process. There are so many elements that play a role in launching and running a modern company, and this is something that you need to plan and prepare for as much […]