Really Cheap Ways to Generate Repeat Business

Did you know that it’s generally much easier, not to mention much cheaper, to generate repeat business than it is to go after new customers (although, ideally you should be doing both, of course)? Well it is, and here are some really cheap ways you can accomplish that.


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Loyalty Programs


Loyalty programs aren’t revolutionary, but they stick around because they work. You don’t need a fancy system; even a simple punch card does the trick. Buy nine coffees, get the tenth free—classic! It’s a small reward, but it turns one-time visitors into regulars who keep popping by to earn their freebies. Just watching those punches get closer to a freebie can be oddly satisfying.

Plastic Business Cards


Let’s upgrade from flimsy paper cards that get crumpled in wallets or washed in jeans pockets. Plastic business cards are the cool cousins—the ones that last longer and look chic while doing it. They’re a little investment upfront, but they feel so much more substantial, which makes a statement about the quality of your business. Plus, they double as ice scrapers in a pinch!

Engage on Social Media to Keep the Conversation Going


If you’re not mingling with your customers on social media, you’re missing out. And no, you don’t need to hire a social media guru. Start simple: share photos of your products, run polls, ask questions, or even post a meme or two (keep it classy!). Respond to comments, messages, and reviews. Show that there’s a human behind the brand, and watch customers grow loyal to your authenticity.

Email Newsletters


Email might seem like a digital dinosaur in the age of AI, but it’s still king for driving sales. The cost? Pretty much your time. Segment your customers based on their purchase history and send them personalized offers and updates. A well-timed email can remind customers it’s time to restock or revisit. And if you throw in a birthday discount, you’ve got a friend for life (or at least until next year).

Fantastic Customer Service: Can I Help You?


Underpromise and overdeliver, they say. If you make customer service a priority, word gets around. Was there a mix-up with an order? Fix it and then some. A little goodwill gesture goes a long way. Surprise your customers with your speed and generosity, and they’ll stick to you like glue. Be the business that solves problems so well, customers come back just to experience your service again.

Be a Local Hero


Get involved in local events, or better yet, host your own. Sponsor a little league team, have a booth at a community fair, or throw a customer appreciation event. Community ties can turn a faceless business into a neighborhood favorite. Plus, mingling with the locals isn’t just good for business; it’s good karma too.


Generating repeat business, as you can see, really doesn’t have to drain your bank account. So, what’s stopping you from turning those one and done customers into your new regulars?


Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

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