5 Tips on How to Manage Your Money Properly

Good financial skills will help you make ends meet and manage your money properly. When you have impeccable financial management skills, life will be much easier for you. How you spend your money greatly affects your debt and credit score.


If you find yourself in the vicious circle of living on loans and paycheck after paycheck, you should follow the following steps to achieve financial freedom.


1.   Understand Where You Are Financially

Before making any financial decision, you need first to know how much money you have. It is impossible to develop a sound financial plan if you do not know where you are financially. Draft an updated and comprehensive financial position outlining all your investments, savings, income, cash flows, and others.

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Although you can use a financial planner’s help, it is unnecessary; your aim is to understand where you currently lie financially. Record all your monthly expenditures and incomes, and you will know where you currently are financially.

It is also important to incorporate all assets and financial aids you may be entitled to. Your individual circumstances may dictate your eligibility for government programs. For example, if you are a student you should look at the Federal Student Aid or if you have a medical condition you should speak to a Social Security Disability Lawyer

2.            Come up with Financial and Personal Goals and Priorities

After knowing where you are financially, formulate financial goals and personal priorities. After that, scrutinize how you have been spending and see if it aligns with the set priorities and goals; if not, adjust your spending and priorities.

For example, if you love spending time and doing house chores with your family during the weekends, think of not hiring the housekeeping services on the weekends and do these chores with your family. Doing so saves you the money that you could have spent on housekeeping services.

3.            Formulate a Budget and Stick to It

For most people, drafting a budget is not hard. The problem, however, is following the formulated budget. Most people lack the self-discipline to control themselves from buying impulsively. You should not be like them, rather, come up with a budget and stick to it.

The reward of doing so is great, as you will have extra cash to spend on vital things. Drafting and sticking to your budget will help you achieve your financial goals and personal priorities.

4.            Plan for Your Retirement

There is nothing as bad as retiring, and you do not have any investments or income to finance your expenditures. In your budget, include a retirement fund if your employer does not offer any pension. The Social Security benefits are good, but they will not sustain you or help you maintain your accustomed lifestyle after you retire.

You can enroll in retirement plans such as the 401(k) accounts to help you save for your retirement. Also, you can join cryptocurrency trading as it offers higher returns. If you have chosen this path, buying Crypto with Swyftx or any other crypto brokerage is highly recommended to avoid losing your money to crypto scammers.

Consult with a financial professional regarding the risks and rewards of cryptocurrency.

5.            Have an Emergency Fund

Always ensure that you have set aside some money for any unexpected event, because you never know when your car will break down, lose your job, or become seriously ill. Your emergency fund should be able to finance your expenditure for at least three months should the unexpected happen.

When budgeting, remember to include an emergency fund in your budget. The fund can be in the form of savings. Experts recommend that from your monthly salary, set aside at least 10% for savings.

In conclusion, managing your money is not hard. If you follow the steps mentioned above, you will achieve the financial freedom you have been dreaming of and did not know how to achieve.


Consult with a financial advisor regarding these important issues.



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Good luck!

Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

(email) ken@stltest.net

(website and blog) https://www.accountingaccidentally.com/