4 Apps To Support Your Financial Health

We all like the idea of improving our financial health, whether it’s saving for something special, or planning for the future.


Making those bigger purchases in life, be it a deposit on a house or a new car, rely upon careful budgeting. Not everyone finds it easy to budget, but that needn’t be a problem. There are many tools available which can help you to support your financial health. For a few to get you started, try downloading these four applications.


1 . Andromoney

Andromoney is a real handy app which allows you to track your daily expenses and manage your budget.

The app lets you create budgets for various categories plus receive notifications when you go over your limit. Andromoney also offers a real time expense report, providing data on average expenses and highest expenses. You can access these statistical reports in the forms of bar charts and pie charts. The app makes it easy for you to manage various accounts, plus you can use multiple currencies.


2. Monefy


Monefy is an app that makes tracking your money dead easy.


The application simplifies the process of inputting your expenses, using one simple click. There are various different features of Monefy including budget mode, data export, multi-currency, and synchronization with dropbox or google. With Monefy there’s no time-consuming set up, simply download and you’re good to go.


When you track your expenses and get organized it’s far simpler to save for your future. It’s important to pre-plan your finances to make things easier later in life. For example, you should organize your estate planning and your will. To help you plan these technicalities firms such as bopprelawfirm.com can be of assistance.

3. Spendee


The Spendee app is an excellent way to track your cash flow, you can connect across all of your accounts so that your transactions are imported automatically.


With this application you can also connect to your E-Wallet or crypto wallet to gauge the bigger picture of your cash flow. Another great thing about Spendee is that it can help you to analyze your financial habits. Analysis is the perfect way to see exactly where your money is going. Spendee helps take the stress out of your finances with a handy budget feature to keep you on track.


4. Prism


Find it difficult to keep track of your bills? Prism can help you to stay in control.


Prism helps you to bring your money together, so that you can see exactly which bills you need to pay and when. Using the app, you can pay your bills directly with no need to log onto a separate account. Prism works by choosing all of your billers and then syncing them with your accounts inside the app.


There are plenty of other popular financial apps out there including names like Mint Money Manager and Good Budget. Checking out the reviews beforehand is a great way to ensure that the application will meet your personal needs. With these apps and a little organization you’ll be able to save money and plan for your future.


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Good luck!

Ken Boyd

Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies

(email) ken@stltest.net

(website and blog) https://www.accountingaccidentally.com/